22 min readOct 22, 2022

About Roselyn Van Dyk

The miracles that she had experienced were being written as testimony in her books. She writes as her passion for devotional writing is to spread the Gospel of Christ through book-writing. She experienced a miracle, signs, and wonders and was ordained to write book in an audible voice on February 4, 2007, witnessed by an anointing pastor, as the voice of prophecy. Also, by the anointing pastor at Hillsong Church on September 9, 2019. She graduated with four years of degrees in Business Administration-Management major at Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines. She studied Bible as part of her curriculum. She learned more about the Word of God from her mentors and teachers from the ministries that she partnered with through their anointing faith-filled materials teachings. She resided in Australia for almost 40 years with their children.

When she had a miracle given by the Father as a message for her divine encounter an assignment in audible voice with three witnesses at U.C church held at amphitheater, a pastor, and two Christian ladies behind her. In Acts 2:1–3 her life changed and transformed into a new person.

As she believes that all scriptures give everyone inspiration, insights, and encouragement. She didn’t give up on her dreams, aspirations, and prayers. She continues taking charge of what she believes. Instead, she keeps pressing on and letting God take her to the next level. She wants to stretch her thinking with His Word, keep growing, and bless in the process and share with others. Now is the time to get into it! Be ready, more books series are coming to be published.

Roselyn Van Dyk

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by Roselyn Van Dyk

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As I write this book, we take you on a journey together and walk with me. The thinking process as I walk with faith, and I went to as we discover that the people meaning of thanksgiving and PRAISE can cause the finished work of JESUS to be manifested in this physical world. We can see it and touch it! There it is! (see Psalm 92:1). We believe it and receive the finished work of JESUS. It’s done, deal! So, we ask, I know it’s good to that. It’s a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord of Most High. It’s also a good thing to sing Praises. Is there any wrong with it? Why do we have to PRAISE? What’s the matter with me?
Let us go to Psalm 22:3, But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. When you pray, you come into God’s Presence. When you PRAISE before Him, He comes into yours! He INHABITS THE PRAISES OF HIS HIS PEOPLE (See Psalm 8 & 9).
Suppose you read that verse, where Praises are offered. God will show up. Thanksgiving and PRAISE God will send a representative, the invitation not turn down. The invitation that He can’t turn down. He’ll dwell in a place with thanksgiving and PRAISE. God can’t just come down to dwell; it gives you ghost bumps. He is not coming down when you feel good, and it will show up when there are circumstances and situations. If we want to make sure that God dwells where we are, if you’re praising and giving thanksgiving, you would say, right now, you want to make sure you don’t grumble, murmur, or complain, for He records the words we speak when praising on your lips. Thank Him for the BLESSINGS in your life, and PRAISE Him all day long.
There are many things to be thankful for if we decide we’re going to be people who always continue to offer up worship, thanksgiving, and PRAISE the Lord. The flesh (us) looks for things to complain about, but the Spirit searches for reasons to give God glory.
However, we should not expect just PRAISE and offer the sacrifice of PRAISE, thanksgiving, and worship to His glory name when there is a reason. It is easy to give thanks and honor if we have a reason. But then, it is not sacrificed. In other words, we should, of course, offer up PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING at all times, being mindful to thank God for all the BLESSINGS in our lives and for the favor He has shown us. So we enter into His rest.
We’re going to understand the power that’s been invested in thinking and praying to God. Let’s look at Thessalonians 5:16 say, Be joyful always; pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ JESUS. (NIV). He says to rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. That means 24 hours a day. Do we walk around like strange Christian proclaiming, PRAISE the Lord. Halleluyah! You’re people of prayer, and you don’t stop rejoicing, don’t stop praying, and so on. NO! God wanted you to step ahead against your enemy and his strategies. Look at verse 18, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ JESUS concerning you. In everything, give thanks. It is the will of God concerning you. As He will perfect, that is concern on you. I believe that those Word of God scriptures that go together give thanks to God in everything that concerns you. In other words, so that I can perfect what interests you.

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PERSONAL PROMISES FROM GOD’S WORD: Declare and Decree Mar 1, 2022

by Roselyn Van Dyk


This book contains powerful Scriptures from the Bible. The pattern and format that I wrote allow you to quickly and easily begin confessing the Word of God aloud when you pray regarding your specific situations and needs. This principle has been life-changing for me. There were times when I slipped it away, but the Holy Spirit was always faithful and gave me reminders to confess, decree and declare His Word. There are seasons when I spend my time than usual confessing God’s Word out loud. Although I can say with certainty, it has been a regular part of my daily prayer life and every situation throughout all these years when I accept Jesus is Lord! I don’t know I would be where I am today if I had not applied this powerful biblical principle in my life.
God’s promises are guaranteed through the total victory and success that Christ has won for us on the cross of Calvary. The God we know through Christ Jesus is a God of promise. His promises are unmerited favour and blessings. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God and heir to all His precious promises. Like any inheritance you might receive, you must acknowledge, believe, declare, decree, acknowledge and claim three promises before they become effective in your life.
The God we know, Jesus Christ, is a God of promise. This book contains God’s testament to you. Your inheritance is listed: the blessings and gifts you are entitled to as God’s child.
We sometimes have to be read repeatedly, meditate day and night, ponder and for a person to comprehend and sink into their heart. It must be declared, confessed and decree when you read as prayer the significance of all that has been inherited.
Also, this is a truth of God’s Word. As you meditate on God’s promises, the reality of all He wants to give you will saturate your spirit. This will provide you with faith to believe and claim each guarantee as to your own as you listen to what you confess. For faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the Word of God.
So, what do you need today? Deliverance, redemption, salvation, healing, power, hope, peace, protection, blessings and prosperous life. You begin reading this book as your treated point of need and take hold of God’s promises. You receive, believe and acknowledge them as your inheritance, claim them as your own own, and receives them into your life.

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by Roselyn Van Dyk


This book contains powerful Scriptures from the Bible. The pattern and format that I wrote allow you to quickly and easily begin confessing the Word of God aloud when you pray regarding your specific situations and needs. This principle has been life-changing for me. There were times when I slipped it away, but the Holy Spirit was always faithful and gave me reminders to confess, decree, and declare His Word. There are seasons when I spend my time than usual confessing God’s Word out loud. Although I can say with certainty, it has been a regular part of my daily prayer life and every situation throughout all these years when I accept Jesus is Lord! I don’t know I would be where I am today if I had not applied this powerful biblical principle in my life.
Are you facing circumstances that seem impossible? Maybe, you just you’ve been concerned about your future during these uncertain times. Perhaps you need healing in your body, financial, restoration, redemption, salvation, and spiritual breakthrough. Maybe, you need a fresh touch from God to regain your focus in life. You may be searching and seeking help or groping in the dark about solving the issues in life. God has the answer. He has the Word that can turn your situation around!
In this powerful book, you will discover God’s plan for every area of your life if you’re stuck and tired of being tired! Just one Word in these inspiring articles and books that I am writing could be the catalyst to launch you over the edge to VICTORY.
God wants you to know that He has plans for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you. He is your Healer. He wants to give you the desires of your heart as you delight yourself in Him. God loves you! He has a word for you. ONE WORD FROM GOD THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER. He wants you to be blessed so that you can be a blessing.

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by Roselyn Van Dyk


THAT’S SETTLE IT. The Word of God is your map for success and victory. If you invest your time studying it and meditating day and night, you will know it is available as a blood-bought child of God. Trust it!
As many people get upset when a Christian seeks it, but success is not a bad word. The first time it was used in the Bible was by God to Joshua after the death of Moses.
Joshua 1:8 (AMP), This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be [a]successful.”
God spoke to Joshua and told him to succeed directly by following God’s Word. I began learning this Scripture when I started to seek God. I believe that wisdom and knowledge from God’s Word can enable us to advance to the top, regardless of obstacles, recessions, and inflation. When you need favor, wisdom, protection, blessing, and prosperity, you know how to pray effectively and receive it.
Suppose sickness attacks your body, finance, family, marriage, and children’s issues. In that case, you apply the Word of God for healing, deliverance, and other related and relevant topics, which I compiled for so many years in this book. One Word from God can change your life.
We are equipped with essentials, for God wants us to be a success and has provided us with the requirements we need to succeed in this life. You see, His plan of salvation includes more than eternal life and a mansion in Heaven. As a member of the family of God. We have access to benefits that provide for everything we could ever need in this life (2 Peter 1:3).
When you were born again, you were issued a suit of armor designed from God Himself. From the top of your head to the soles of your feet, you are equipped with this “tool” of protection with supernatural clothing impenetrable by the enemy. I like it as a faith suit. It might not be made of iron or metallic armor, but it’s a supernatural invisible, and invincible tool. (See Ephesians 6:10–17).

Life is filled with challenges you might be facing and encountering now. Maybe, you need a breakthrough in your life, such as health, family crises, marriage, emotionally wrecked, job problems, relationships, financial, dysfunctional family, or spiritual aspect of life like dead bones (Ezekiel Chapter 37:7). Claim God’s promises for your life. This book is about your victory.
You may have attempted to secure your breakthrough by hoping, worshiping, going to the church regularly, and praying that can move the mountain of troubles, you are sick and tired of being tired, trying to be suitable by pleasing people, and remaining in healthy Christian fellowship, yet the adverse circumstances remain whatever you do, still lingering on. The “mountain” has not yet been removed and got stuck. What am I going to do now? That sounds familiar to do. There is hope as the anchor of your soul.
However, I know what you feel, as I have experienced similar discouragement, disappointment, and frustration. But God has given me a powerful solution. In this book, I want to reveal and discuss the greatest Spirit-filled -inspired essential God has given me for sustained victory and breakthrough in life.
I thought I would be in a failure situation, but failure is not an option when you become a born-again, spirit-filled Christian. When we accept Jesus, Lord is the crucial factor in the solution. This key can powerfully transform your life. I am excited to share it with you!

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by Roselyn Van Dyk


That sounds great; regardless of its up and down, recession, inflation, crash, home loan interest has gone up, meltdown, and deflation economy. How about the energy prices? Whatever the economy is going through. You could purchase whatever you need or desire, regardless of how many dollars you might have in your bank account. Of course, you would say I am over the top and exaggerating. It sounds lovely if we live above all what is going on in the world’s economy.
It’s fantastic as it sounds; you can if you are determined to do it. But you can’t do it without God. Of course, but with Him, it’s possible. I admit we have pensions while I am writing this at the moment. But, when I was single, I had to toss my coin before I bought things. This means I was striving and struggling even though I held a degree in Business Administration -Management as significant but looking back now. I would say I’ve never improved and prosperous even if I got a degree holder as my career.
I can testify to it in the past years. God has given us a way to buy without money. I began learning from the Word how to buy without money in the past years of my life. It’s a beautiful way to live because it’s not the possessions in materials only but PEACE. Hebrew means “wholeness, with nothing missing, and nothing broken.”
With faith in God in your heart and mouth, you can live a PROSPEROUS life anytime, anywhere, because God is not dependent on the conditions in this world.
God is not limited by economic systems, recession, inflation, deflation, supply chain shortages, or anything else. They blame the energy crisis because of the war in Ukraine, the oil, gas, and coal, or the Covid-19 turmoil, which is true. No doubt about it. The housing crisis is a big problem that people lost their homes and couldn’t afford the house in short supply. Labor cost is enormously high.
God moves in the supernatural. He is an all-powerful Jehovah, not El Cheapo but El Shaddai God. God is the Supreme being, and nothing is impossible for Him. Whatever He says, He can and will do“ It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.”
This book will challenge you to take away the limitations and restrictions in your life on yourself in the past. It will encourage your imaginations, dreams, and visions to soar like an eagle, for we’re designed into ratified heights above. Beyond the limitations of our enforced physical restrictions, You get ready to be stirred up about living the glorious and prosperous life God has designed and planned for His purpose uniquely for you. The Abundant, Overflowing, and Prosperous Life will help you to understand that long before you, the foundation of the world. God had His eyes on you and had designed as a masterpiece on you for a glorious living before your first breath. If you’ve been seeking and searching to understand who you are and what you’re living for, why are you here on earth for a purpose? Learn how to take determined steps today to propel you into your glorious future.
Maybe, you have a deep desire to live a better life. Perhaps, you envision a life filled with boundless joy, peace, and loving grace-based relationships.
Are your thoughts filled with images of a newly owned dream house, a new dream car, or a fantastic job providing a better life for you and more desires and wishes for your family? Maybe you think a better life is being free from debts, pain, fear, anxiety, free from the cycle of a dysfunctional family, and lack of a

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by Roselyn Van Dyk


1 John 4:14, “We have seen with our eyes and can testify to the truth that Father God has sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world.” (TPT)
There is much more to discover and remember about God’s actions in our lives. He is a good and faithful God. He faithfully answers the cries of His children and never abandons us. I will always give thanks and praise for what He has done for me during my faith journey, and I will rejoice in what He has done!
So, I will write in my books as life on every page of this book. I will look to the promises of His Word and my testimonies here and now. Testimonies are full of the specific truths of how I have been delivered from adversities to His people as children of God. My testimony when I look back is how His Word has worked on my behalf. How did I do that and this? It amazed me. It has the grace through faith that I went through. It has to be God. It’s unmerited favor that is part of Salvation being born-again and rebirth. The Soteria and Sozu life means healing, deliverance, prosperity, BLESSINGS, and wholeness of no missing and no lacking. The Zoe life is the essence of God in me or us as His children.
And what I have a testimony I have “Thank You.” There is no victory apart from Him and His Word. When I recount what He has done for me, I testify and witness His power at work in my life. I will use my testimony as a way to give thanks today and to push back the enemy. I will ask Him to fill me with the power of His presence as I recount His wondrous love in my life.
I thank the Father for the incredible insight into battlefield strategies through His Word. May I rise in the confidence of God’s Spirit and His Word as I rely on His strength instead of my own? I can do all things through Christ, who is my Saviour. I can persist in prayer, knowing that He will come through with miracles just when I need them. This is the word of my testimony.
This book provides the biblical tools you need to engage in God’s plan for every aspect of the following abundant, overflowing life and harvest of soul and finances. You’ll experience the promised marvels, signs, wonders, and extraordinary manifestations of God’s greatness in your life!

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by Roselyn Van Dyk


When most people hear “prosperity,” they instantly think of money or material wealth. Of course, they’re not incorrect, but their perspective is not complete. Money cannot define prosperity. Money is just a part of it. Wealth is more resounding than money, yet our society has reduced it to that one meaning.
Prosperity has God’s ability to meet the needs of humanity, regardless of what those needs are. It also can be in control of your circumstances and situations. For example, if a negative thought attacks your mind, God has given you His Word to renew your mind and gain control over whatever is attacking your mentally. If something attacks your body by being sick and other ailments, God’s Word is medicine for your physical body. It’s His prescription, which gives you instructions on using His Word to receive your healing. That’s what prosperity is. God wants you to prosper in every area of your life, including your finances.
When you begin to deal with the different areas of your prosperity, you have to label them: Health prosperity, soul prosperity, family prosperity, marital prosperity, and financial prosperity. The God kind of prosperity is total life prosperity, wholeness, with nothing missing, lacking, or broken in your life. God wants you to experience the abundant life in Christ, the God kind of life, which is called the word “Zoe Life.”It is the essence of God that is within you here on earth. The other word for it is the “Sozu” life. It is in you!
It is the will of God that every single one of His children enjoys total life prosperity. Therefore, God wants you to experience days of heaven on earth, where nothing is broken, missing, or lacking, in any area of your life. But, you must renew your mind and accept the truth that biblical prosperity, the God kind of prosperity, is your divine covenant right. In living a prosperous life in this book are the following such as the following: the difference between worldly prosperity vs. kingdom of God prosperity, the true definition of prosperity and why it consists of so much more than material money and possessions, and why prosperity is God’s idea and plan. His purpose for prospering us. Most of all, the practical steps you must take in order to walk in divine biblical prosperity.

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by Roselyn Van Dyk


Isaiah 54:1. “Rejoice with singing, you barren one! You who have never given birth, burst into a song of joy and shout, and you have never been in labor!” (TPT)
There are times and seasons in our lives when we feel stuck. We experience no forward motion and wonder if we should abort our dreams. Life is at a standstill, and our spiritual bareness seems overwhelming. The more we focus on what isn’t happening, the greater the sense of heaviness we feel. Before we know it, we’re discouraged, depressed, and losing hope. We’ve lost our song.
It seems almost cruel to tell someone to rejoice when they’re still waiting and feel the pain of barrenness. Worship isn’t inspiring and encouraging upon circumstances, but it dramatically affects us and gives proper perspective. But faith knows how to find its song. Faith sees ahead and believes the seeds of His Word implanted in the heart will take root and produce fruit. So, we sing, praise, worship, and pray. I even give thanksgiving. Praising and thanksgiving are essential even when t’s not happening or arriving yet. We rejoice in our glorious future and water the fried ground of past disappointment with rears of worship. We press and look back at what the Lord has done as we wait.
When things don’t happen the way we expect, we will worship. When doors of opportunity slam in our face. We will trust Him to open a better door, and maybe it’s being delayed for His perfect time and will. We still praise and worship. When we feel like we’ve been being pulled back, we think that we’re stretching the slingshot closer to our heart before launching it. We still worship.
What has God promised you? If you’re not sure, you can read the scriptures, and you’ll discover hundreds of promises made by God to you as BELIEVER.
And your time to receive those promises has come! I’ve been waiting and expecting exceedingly, too, just like Abraham.
Let me show you what few people understand about receiving God’s promises. God knows the desires of your heart. When He came to Abram and promised him a son, of course, He knew that Abram wanted most the wishes of his heart just like you and me.

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by Roselyn Van Dyk


This book contains powerful Scriptures from the Bible. The pattern and format that I wrote allow you to quickly and easily begin confessing the Word of God aloud when you pray regarding your specific situations and needs. This principle has been life-changing for me. There were times when I slipped it away, but the Holy Spirit was always faithful and gave me reminders to confess, decree, and declare His Word. There are seasons when I spend my time than usual confessing God’s Word out loud. Although I can say with certainty, it has been a regular part of my daily prayer life and every situation throughout all these years when I accept Jesus is Lord! I don’t know I would be where I am today if I had not applied this powerful biblical principle in my life.
God’s promises are guaranteed through the total victory and success that Christ has won for us on the cross of Calvary. The God we know through Christ Jesus is a God of promise. His promises are unmerited favor and blessings. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God and heir to all His precious promises. Like any inheritance you might receive, you must acknowledge, believe, declare, decree, acknowledge, and claim these promises before they become effective in your life.
The God we know, Jesus Christ, is a God of promise. This book contains God’s testament to you. Your inheritance is listed: the blessings and gifts you are entitled to as God’s child.
We sometimes have to be read repeatedly, meditate day and night, ponder and for a person to comprehend and sink into their heart. It must be declared, confessed, and decree when you read the significance of all that has been inherited as prayer.
Also, this is a truth of God’s Word. As you meditate on God’s promises, the reality of all He wants to give you will saturate your spirit. This will provide you with faith to believe and claim each guarantee as to your own as you listen to what you confess. For faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) AMP.
So, what do you need today? Deliverance, redemption, salvation, healing, power, hope, peace, protection, restoration, dominion, authority, blessings, and prosperous life. You begin reading this book as your treated point of need and take hold of God’s promises. You receive, believe, and acknowledge them as your inheritance, claim them as your own, and welcomes them into your life.

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