It starts with a search to see who is near by and looking for a friend. Next you check their profile. Here it starts to be different. You see their blurred picture at this point, but their identify is hidden at this point. You get to read their profile information. But their picture and contact info is hidden. VAJO is not a looks-driven app. This app is for people who have enough braincells to describe who they are and what they are and what and who they are looking for. If the description looks interesting to you, you click the ‘express interest’ button, and send them an expression of interest. This expression of interest FROM YOU shows up in their Inbox. Now they can see your profile ,but still cannot see your picture or your contact information. Now if they reciprocate that expression of interest and CLICK ACCEPT, things change. Now both of you can see each other’s full profile and all details and contact information. And the differences do not stop there. Instead of coralling you inside an in-app chat, members get to exchange skype ID or email ID or whatsapp IDs. Now you can communicate freely with each other, instead of in a monitored Orewelian environmment. The app is all about privacy and freedom. The app comes with 30 free points , and you will use a point each time you send an expression of interest to someone. If you love the app, you can buy more points. But you get 30 free shots at meeting great people. It does not get any better than this, folks!